Welcome… Let Ottawa Gardening Coach Josie Pazdzior design your outdoor space to realize its full potential
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Josie Pazdzior, Personal gardening coach
  • Years of gardening experience and creating urban gardens
  • Studied in horticultural technician program at Algonquin college
  • Volunteer with Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton
  • Long-time volunteer with Ottawa Horticultural Society and Ottawa Valley Rock Garden Society
  • Speaker at garden clubs, organizer of design workshops
  • Former teacher, bed and breakfast owner
What I Do
  • Onsite consultation about garden issues and improvements, plant ID
  • Design ideas and plant lists for your garden
  • Personal coaching in plant knowledge and gardening practices
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“When one plants a garden, one plants happiness.” Chinese saying

Before working as a professional gardener, I taught high school and later operated a bed and breakfast in Ottawa. I became a keen gardener and took most of the horticulture courses at Algonquin College. I have been volunteering with gardening-related groups in the area for over 20 years, and gradually developed this single-person design/consultation/coaching business.

I enjoy meeting people and coaching them in the process of transforming their gardens if they want more help than an initial consultation. Informal, one-on-one, active mentoring is something I find very rewarding. There are many myths about gardening practices, and I want to share what I’ve learned from my experience to be true. I also like to share helpful information with my clients even after my work there has ended, and will sometimes send a link to a talk or a relevant article.

Thanks to my experiences of visiting, creating and working in many different gardens, I am familiar with the challenges that Ottawa area gardeners face. I can help you avoid costly mistakes that may also end up losing years of growing time.